Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So today, I'm just going to blog.. We have had a bad week. We have been out of town and that's not a great excuse, but that's how it was. We went hunting and were eating most of our meals on the road. But we're home and we're going to start over again. I can tell you that in the last 10 days, I have put on more than 6.5 lbs which is kind of surprising. We walked quite a bit and up some of these hill that would blow most people's minds! And Curt made me realize how much our abs got workouts while I was driving. Not sure what that says about my driving, but I don't always driving slow. So after he said that, we went down this crazy, bad road. It was full of ruts and twists and turns and COWS! And when we came off that road, we both relaxed and could hear our stomachs say, "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Anyways, I got to thinking about it and I'd almost be willing to bet that I can count how many liters of water I drank in the last week and a half is less than 10, close to 5. I realized that I am not able to just splurge on food. A little cheat here and there may be ok, but not every single meal. The funny thing is, I kept thinking, "This isn't too bad, not perfect, not not horrible!" When every meal is that way though... not good.


  1. alot of it will be water retention so don't panic

  2. I took a break like that and put on almost 2 kg... It went down quite quicker than I thought. Like LMC says.. Don't panic, it will go away!!

  3. Welcome home! Climb back in the saddle and get back on track. Thanks so much for your encouragings on my blog! I know you can do it too!!!
