Saturday, October 1, 2011


DAY 40, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011

CURT: LOSS: 0.0 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 18.4 lbs
JAMIE: LOSS: 0.2 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 12.0 lbs

C: eggs and ham
J: eggs and ham

C: chicken salad
J: chicken salad

C: hamburger patties and coleslaw
J: lettuce salad, coleslaw

C: 2 quarts of water,
J: 4 quarts of water, 1 can cherry coke zero

The phrase "Slow and steady wins the race" seems to be my weight loss motto. I'm happy with my 0.2 lbs loss day for the past 3 days. 0.6 lbs in 3 days isn't too bad. I've been catching up on blogs this morning. I think that I need to eat more. In other words... make sure I actually eat full meals. That will be much easier starting tomorrow. I have 5 days off in a row!! And I love to cook so I'm going to spend several hours cooking and preparing food this weekend for the next week and a half. It makes it so much easier when all I have to do is throw a couple things together the night before I head out to work. And if I have the kids, I have to get up 40 minutes earlier so that makes getting my meals ready even easier. Sadly... I'm looking forward to my days of cooking. We will be having several people at our house through out Saturday, but I'm going to go ahead and keep cooking while people are here.

I made chicken salad/ wrap for lunch this morning at work. I had gotten a great deal at our local grocery store on chicken breast. So as I was cutting it into chunks, one of the breasts looked weird and had a weird texture. After I cooked it, I tasted it and it was pork!! So we had chicken/ pork salad wraps for lunch. It kind of grosses me out, but... what do you do? UPDATE: Yeah... I didn't like it. I don't like pork anyways so this was just a turn off. When I say I don't like pork, I mean I don't like pork chop type pork, and I don't love sausage. Ham, bacon... I'm okay with those.

I'm annoyed today. With alot of people. And when I get this way, my stomach is a constant reminder of my irritation. Lovely fun...

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