Monday, December 5, 2011

From 'The Boy'

Yeah, it's been quite a while since I've popped in here.  Sorry folks.

So, I have to say, I'm LOVING the results I'm getting!  I've not ever really dieted, and I still don't really consider this a 'diet' (or I might run down the road with a loaded gun), I just think of it as "this is what I have to eat right now", and it makes it MUCH easier.

With this LOVING reaction I'm having with this, every day I tell Jamie about different things with my body that I'm so happy with!  I know I'm still overweight, but there are SO many little things that I find!  Like, the steering wheel doesn't rest on my belly.  I've found I don't have to make adjustments just to get clothes on.  There have been a few 'marital' bonuses too!  (I know my mom reads this blog, but...  her and I have an understanding... I'm 34, and she has to remember what her priorities were at this age too).  So yeah...  there's that!

And OMGosh.....  that dinner she made last night...  she deserved extra kudos for that!!! Fantastic!!

I'm in the middle of working 6 days straight, then I have 6 days off.  My job requires I plant my butt at a desk all day, so it's not helping the diet thing.  Also, I hurt my foot a few months ago.  I had it looked at finally, and was diagnosed as tendonitis.  Hurts like a mother sometimes!!!  I was told to take anti-inflamitories for 2 weeks and see what happens.  Well, it still hurts sometimes, but not as often as before.  I want to try playing some racquetball on it again to test it, but I also don't want to have to wear a boot for it!  So, we might have to move to bike-riding.

Anyway, that's my updates...  I'm pretty friggin happy!  Things keep looking better and better, not only with the diet, but our lives as well.  It still amazes me to see me 2 years ago vs. today.  This is where I give my wife a huge hug, hold her close, and remind her that she has made my life worth getting up in the morning!!!  And I wouldn't trade her for the world.  Or a Corvette.... Blue... with metallic flakes....  my dream car, but still not close to my dream wife!

1 comment:

  1. Good hearing from you Curt... isn't it awesome to see those little differences??
    I love seeing how much you two adore each other!
    Keep up the great work... you guys are so lucky to have each other to motivate!
